Friday 19 December 2014

Different ways to boost your baby brain power

When your baby’s born then its brain contains 100 billion neurons.  In first year of birth, he will grow of trillions of brain cell connection called neural synapses. So the rule for brain wiring is using it or loses it. Synapses that are not wired together through stimulation are pruned and lost during a child school year.  Infant’s brain does have some neurological hard wiring. It is more flexible and more vulnerable than an adult’s brain. When you provide loving language and enriched experience for your baby then you are giving his brain’s neural connection and pathway more chance to become wired together. He will acquire rich language, planning skill.

Physically healthy start to your baby before he is born
When you are pregnant then stay healthy and be aware that certain drugs can be destructive to your baby's brain in utero. Medical science observed that many children who were drug-abused in the womb struggle with severe learning problems and suddenly act with unprovoked aggressive behaviors. It is also show that cigarette smoking during pregnancy causes lower fourth-grade reading scores.

Meaningful conversation
Take action to infant coos with enchanted vocalization and slowly draw out your syllables in a high pitched voice like “sweet baby” “pretty baby”. The area in the brain understands that speech and producing language need your rich input.

Play babies games that’s involve the hands
There are so many game like patty-cake, little piggy and peekaboo. Through these baby games babies respond well to learning simple sequential games.

Foster an early passion for books

When your kid reach age of 5 then you choose books with large and colorful pictures and share your baby's delight in pointing and making noises. And say, the animal sounds to go along with farm pictures. Change the tone of your voice simply or elaborate on story line and encourage toddlers to talk about books.

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