Wednesday 31 December 2014

Childhood Best Games

In my childhood magical days I can remember playing with my favorite toys. In my childhood playing with toys and games are really what being a child is all about to try to imagine a child's world without any toys and games is just impossible?

Children Games for Kids come in all different shapes and sizes today and they certainly don't need to be expensive because now games are available online and so buying for a younger child does tend to be easier as both girls and boys do have their stereotype toys. The girls usually prefer their dolls and dolls houses and boys usually prefer their cars along with other action type toys.

Some parents still associate children's toys or Baby Games For Kids purely as just play items but they are really so much more than that yes it is true that a child will find pleasure and amusement from a toy but they will also find stimulation for both their mind and their imagination. For example watch a boy playing with his favorite toy car maybe he likes to play with it in a totally passive and calm kind of way.  Maybe he likes to push it along as fast as it will go. Defiantly this will give you a clue that he could possibly grow up to be the type of person who likes to push the boundaries. It is great because it shows you that your child will always try to excel in some way or other. However have to ensure that your child channels these pushing of the boundaries in the most positive way possible.

Dress up Fashion Games

Girl’s especially teenager likes to play Free Fashion Games online. Fashion Dress up Games are popular is because everybody gets to appreciate what they are doing. Nearly every girl has had their own Fashion dolls doll during their childhood which is nearly difficult for us to let them go. Another reason is that there are plenty of choices to choose from. Baby Hazel Dress up Games such as Dress up Fashion Games, Baby Hazel Swimming Time for Kids and others are available as well as Cooking Games for Girls.

There are even more selections available today as more online game developers arise. If you have been playing games for a while you won't ever get fed up with playing these Fashion kind games. You get to exercise your creativeness with the use of these games. You have ever imagined owning thousands of garments for your wardrobe this is indeed among the best methods to improve your imagination.

These games are really straightforward. You will only enjoy here as you put on those tiny dresses. Fashion games or Dress up Games for Teenagers tend to be truly amazing with the method they allow the players personalize their own knowledge about the game and this is why I cannot stop playing these flash games.

You are able to play the Free Online Fashion Games without any fees to worry about. So, a great number of sites necessitate their players to become a close member first but many of the time and membership is always free. You will enjoy everything from dressing your own character up to even remodeling her environment.

Friday 19 December 2014

Different ways to boost your baby brain power

When your baby’s born then its brain contains 100 billion neurons.  In first year of birth, he will grow of trillions of brain cell connection called neural synapses. So the rule for brain wiring is using it or loses it. Synapses that are not wired together through stimulation are pruned and lost during a child school year.  Infant’s brain does have some neurological hard wiring. It is more flexible and more vulnerable than an adult’s brain. When you provide loving language and enriched experience for your baby then you are giving his brain’s neural connection and pathway more chance to become wired together. He will acquire rich language, planning skill.

Physically healthy start to your baby before he is born
When you are pregnant then stay healthy and be aware that certain drugs can be destructive to your baby's brain in utero. Medical science observed that many children who were drug-abused in the womb struggle with severe learning problems and suddenly act with unprovoked aggressive behaviors. It is also show that cigarette smoking during pregnancy causes lower fourth-grade reading scores.

Meaningful conversation
Take action to infant coos with enchanted vocalization and slowly draw out your syllables in a high pitched voice like “sweet baby” “pretty baby”. The area in the brain understands that speech and producing language need your rich input.

Play babies games that’s involve the hands
There are so many game like patty-cake, little piggy and peekaboo. Through these baby games babies respond well to learning simple sequential games.

Foster an early passion for books

When your kid reach age of 5 then you choose books with large and colorful pictures and share your baby's delight in pointing and making noises. And say, the animal sounds to go along with farm pictures. Change the tone of your voice simply or elaborate on story line and encourage toddlers to talk about books.

Thursday 18 December 2014

Best babies games for babies under six year

·       Chatterbox sound babies games
When your babies love interacting with you as they become more vocal and then you can encourage them to understand and try to form words by responding to her coos and grunts. Sit on front of your babies and repeat the sounds they makes like when they makes sound “maaah” you also repeat this words” maaah”. Through this you can encourage your baby with different sound like “paaa’ baaaah”.

·         Catch me
It is interesting babies games. Babies love to play this game. You attach a small toy to a brightly colored ribbon and then dangle it in front of your baby and it sway. When your baby tries to reach and catches it or touches it then it gives him lot of joy and praise. This baby game will help him practice their hand and eye coordination. You always be careful to keep the ribbon out of your baby's reach when they unsupervised.

·         Bubble magic baby game
In this game mostly babies are fascinated by bubbles so try to sit your baby in a bouncy chair and below bubbles around her. When they catch and they will see and feel it pop as they touches it which will help her learn about cause and effect.

·         Puppet show

Another interesting game you try to make simple finger puppets by cutting the fingers off old gloves. When you make puppet then give each one mouth, eyes and ears either by gluing on pieces of felt or simply drawing them on with a felt-tip pen. You show your baby how you can make them sign, tickle, kiss and dance. You see that you baby will love to watching them come alive and pretending that the puppets are real will help develop her imagination.